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Maureen Harley


My medium of choice as an artist is coloured pencil but I do like to explore & dabble with other art materials, particularly as the process of building realistic colour  can be painstakingly slow.  I am largely self-taught and have found that trial and error and lots of practice are key to good drawing and the development of a critical eye. With the realistic style of most of my work I find that pencil is a great medium for rendering drawings with the attention to fine detail that I prefer. I am very fortunate to have a like-minded ex art teacher sister who is a veritable mine of information and is very supportive of my artistic efforts.

Born and raised in South Gippsland to dairy farmer parents I have a natural affinity toward birds and animals  and in particular, horses.  I use art as a form of relaxation, as an expression of my love and interest in fauna and all other "critters" in my life. More recently as I approach retirement from a nursing career I feel encouraged to "do more with my art" and hope to advance it to become a more substantial part of my life. Commissions are most welcome.

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